Hola, Soy Tu Amigo Dumpty

Please Like Amigo Dumpty
You gotta love Amigo Dumpty's Chaps and Zorro belt buckle!

Amigo Dumpty Sat on a Gwall
Amigo Dumpty Had a Great Fall
And All the Pancho Villas and TexMex
Gwent to Put Amigo Dumpty
Together Again.


Soy tu Amigo Dumpty. Today, I gwant to talk to ju about the gwall. Gwe don't have to pay for the Gwall, and let me tell you how it's free.

First, gwe tell the Mejican Presidente what to do. Gwe say, "Presidente, start charging for the visas, so that all those thousands of Americans and Westerners from Europe and other places around the gworld who live in Mejico illegally have to pay for Visas. They are gwelcome to come to Mejico, but they can get Visas. Ju charge them $300 US dollars for an annual visa. Mr. Presidente, gwhen everybody pays for the visa, ju gwill have enough money to pay for ten gwalls, and have money left in the bank to have a 5 de Mayo party for all Mejicans, because that is a lot of visas".

Gwhen the President knows how to pay for the gwall, there gwill be no more problems. So, do not gworry. No more problems. There is the solution for the gwall problem. Gwashington, no more dancing around the gwall, Okay?

There is no problem. I fell, but somebody fixed my chaps, and washed them in Río Grande next to the gwall, so Amigo Dumpty is good and eating chicken.

Un abrazo,

Amigo Dumpty

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